Tuesday, December 30, 2008
How Could I Forget
And Ryan Turns Three...
Christmas Day with the DuBies
When Grandma and Grandpa were ready for some peace and quiet, we hauled the stash home and spent the evening having dessert and some laughs with some good friends. The kids gave us a bonus Christmas gift by entertaining themselves late into the night so we got to discuss all kinds of important topics like what type of plastic surgery the men would have done. I mean, we talked about the state of the economy and healthcare reform. All in all, it was a low-key, relaxing Christmas and I was motivated to come home and finish painting the basement so we can get the carpet installed ASAP and move Toys R Us downstairs in January.
Dear Blog:
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Ode to Plumbing
And all through my house
was the smell of fresh sewer
that would kill a small mouse
A few hours ago it smelled of freshly baked bread
and thoughts of Christmas Eve dinner were filling my head
Then "oh honey, look here, oh no, what is the matter?"
It seems a clogged kitchen sink is causing quite a clatter.
"Don't worry my dear, I've got a concoction for this
don't mind the skull and cross bones, it will do the trick!
Hmmm, well that didn't work let me remove a few pipes,
jam this thing down the drain and see what happens next.
Whoops sorry honey - I knocked the pipe out of the wall
Quick grab the towels so the concoction doesn't go down the hall
A splish and a splash and my wall is all brown
Whatever was put in the garbage disposal didn't go down
Instead it's all over my wall and my floor
and now Dave is trying to fix even more
Wish us some luck and send us some wishes
I need to be able to wash my Christmas dishes!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Kids Say the Darndest things
Now, we all know that was an empty threat because we all know I HAD to get cat food and what crazy mom is going to waste a walk next door to finish an errand as opposed to loading and unloading three kids somewhere else to accomplish said errand? NOT ME. But I made the threat just the same. After two warnings for their behavior in the store I said "that's it! we're not going to the pet store to see the animals, I've had enough!" At which point they started begging and pleading.."please mom, we'll behave now, we prooommmise, pleeaasse!" and a few tears were shed.
I was actually going to stick to my guns on this one and I said "Nope, sorry. I gave you warnings and now we've lost the chance" to which Emma retorts "but mom...don't you remember Jonah! God gives everyone a second chance. And if God can give everyone a second chance than so should you!" How do I reply to that? I caved of course. "Alright"...I said. "One more chance and that's it". They actually did behave the rest of the time and if Jacob started acting up Emma would whisper to him to stop so we could go to the pet store.
Friday, December 19, 2008
My Cat Likes Refried Beans and other things I've learned this crazy Christmas Season
Speaking of the pet store -let me digress with a funny story...When we lived in Virginia and got to hang out with our favorite blogger Andrea and her first born, it was inevitable that whatever phase Nick was going through or new trick he learned, Emma would follow by about a week. It became uncanny to me but great because I always new what I was in for. It was always about a week to the day that Emma would say or do something that Nick had done the week before. Anyway, when I rushed the kids through the pet store last night and tricked them out the door without getting their fill on guinea pigs and geckos they were not happy with me. Emma exclaimed: "that's fine mom...I'm just going to run away then if your not going to let me see the animals!". I had to chuckle because it had been exactly a week since I Annie had posted about Nicks threats to run away. It's good to hear that even though we're so far apart, I can count on Nick to keep me one step ahead in the parenting game.
Anyway, back to things I"ve learned this Christmas season:
Glue sticks are meant for kids crafts and not for making Christmas cards. If you get your card and your tree has fallen off because the glue stick from the 99 cents store didn't hold up, well, then...I'm sorry. I obviously didn't learn this tip in time. And if you don't get a card from me, well, then...Merry Christmas!
Don't decide to make handmade Christmas cards, a scrapbook for a friend, several baby blankets and 15 plates of homemade goodies all one week before Christmas while at the same time volunteering to run your daughters kindergarten Christmas party. I guess it just wouldn't be the Christmas season without a little bit of stress though - it keeps me on my toes. I'm looking forward to this next week of R&R now that everything is done (except the wrapping) and hoping the kids new toys will keep them occupied for a few days while I slip into a deep sleep after downing a box of Sees candy!
Don't forget the true meaning of Christmas. I love the Little People Nativity set we have that the kids can play with and learn about the true meaning of Christmas. Ben said "Jesus" for the first time today and it was so darn cute because he adds a little lisp to it. I'm trying, in all this holiday madness, to teach my children that Christmas isn't just about the toys and the parties, but it is a time to celebrate the birth and life of our Savior. This year I told them that we each get 3 presents from Santa to represent the 3 presents the wise men gave to the baby Jesus. I thought it was a good way to keep things simple and at the same time give some meaning to a wonderful tradition of giving and receiving.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Story of the Day
One of Ryan's girlfriends had a potty accident outside at a playdate today, so her mom took off her wet pants (insert weather note: it was a very atypical 65 degrees here today). Ryan immediately begins to unbutton his jeans because, well, if she can run around with no pants, then why can't he, right. I explain that no, she has no pants on because she went pee pee on them. Wanna guess what he does next? Yep. Looks at me, intentionally pees his pants, and begins stripping off the jeans (and pantyhose. Yes, pantyhose. I hid my swimsuits from him so he's gotten into pantyhose. Direct quote: "comfy and keep me warm").
Needless to say, our playdate was over.
Silly Me
Earlier this week I was rushing around cleaning and I heard a crash outside. I went to run out the back patio door, which I thought was open, but apparently the screen was closed. Nose first into into a screen door kinda hurts. I ran into it so hard I knocked it down. Silly me.
Yesterday was Jacob's 4th birthday party. It was wonderful - everything he wanted - the presents the wrappings, the spiderman trimmings and trappings. I was snapping pictures left and right of delightful faces enjoying themselves. Jacob blowing out candles, bouncing in the spiderman bounce house. Last night I went to download the photo memories and -
uh oh...apparently digital SLR cameras still take pictures without a memory card in them. Ouch, learned that the hard way. Silly me.
It's late right now, it's so late that it's tomorrow and I'm still up. Sewing projects, making presents on the computer, typing the Christmas letter. It was that nap from 7 - 9 tonight that got me. For some reason I think since I had that little nap I won't be tired when little ones wake me up in a couple of hours...silly me...silly, silly me.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Another Beliver
So we were reading scriptures tonight about faith and I asked Nick what he thinks faith is. We talked about knowing that something is true even if we can't see it, and he says "Mom, some of my friends at school say that Santa isn't real. But I know he is. My friends Charlie and Preston and Wesley, we know that Santa is real even though the others say he isn't." Can you imagine how thrilled I was to hear this? I LOVE the magic of Christmas and I am so glad to have a true believer in the family!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Why You Should Never Leave Your Husband
And when you return it may look like this:
Did you notice besides the lights and ornaments are missing that the bottom half of the tree is missing! Apparently said tree toppled over so said husband thought maybe it was too bottom heavy. Some pruning shears and 50 branches later - my tree is half naked. I guess it's my fault for pining over (yes pun intended) such a beautiful tree.
Picking a tree off the back of a flat bed truck at Costco isn't exactly the same experience as going out to the woods and cutting one down as we always did as a kid. But who could pass up 33 dollars for a 7 ft Noble fir. We didn't even actually see the tree until we got it home and untied the ropes - and boy was it a beauty. This is the prettiest Noble Fir tree I had ever seen. It was perfectly symmetrical on all sides, no holes in it, and a nice strait top for the star. Even said husband whom I affectionately deem scrooge at Christmas time ooed and awed over such a beautiful tree. And when we got the lights on it, it was spectacular. I always let the kids put the ornaments wherever they want and have given up on having a perfect looking tree. It's more important to me to see the kids enjoying the tree and having their favorite ornaments where they want to put them. But this year, even with the ornaments all scitter scatter...it was a beautiful tree.
Now the lights are back on and the ornaments are placed where they were (75% of them on the front and grouped together) and it looks a little better. But I'm going to miss that big bushy bottom portion of my tree. sniff sniff
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Run Away
After a very fun evening playdate that involved dinner with friends, we came home to get ready for bed when the wailing began. Can you believe that Mom said "No" when Nick started begging to watch Polar Express at bedtime after our fun evening out? After about thirty minutes of crying (who needs a girl anyway with this kind of drama?), he began listing all of the people who are mean to him: different friends and their offenses and everyone in the family except for Gavin. The plan was hatched: he decided he was going to get a tent and hike to Charlie's neighborhood to spend the night. He dressed himself in jeans and his favorite red polo and started to pack the PJs but got distracted as I read a book to Ryan. As I explained to him how much I loved him and how cold and lonely and scary it would be to run away, the crying began again as he wailed "But GOD will be with me!"
Oh dear. It took everything to not laugh out loud. I finally convinced him to get under the covers and he fell asleep, still mumbling that he was going to pack in the morning so he could run away....
Friday, December 5, 2008
What R U Up To?
Jacob - Having a sleep over with grandma and grandpa for a couple of nights. Last night I realized how quiet it can be at night without someone getting up to go the bathroom 3 or 4 times and leaving the lights on. Seriously...small bladder on that kid.
Ben - throwing his cheese on the floor as he chants "ruit, ruit, ruit" (fruit). He's already had 2 fruit cups. Our last conversation goes something like this:
Mom: Want some yogurt?
Ben: ruit!
Mom: Cereal?
Ben: ruit
Mom: Eggs?
Ben: ruit, ruit, ruit!
Mom: Cheese?
Ben Cheese??
I give him the cheese...soon it all hits the floor "ruit, ruit, ruit!"
Mom - (that's me) sitting in my nice warm robe, peeling sticky foam tape off the wall next to my computer that some little hand stuck on there, and wondering which project I'm going to tackle in the next 2 hours before it's time to leave for school...pay bills? clean my room? Unpack from last weeks vacation? start designing my Christmas card? Start making that baby blanket for the shower tomorrow? clean up the kitchen? start planting the 100 bulbs sitting in a bag outside? get dressed? take a shower? so many options...I think I'll just sit and blog. Then I'll check all my friends blogs. Then I'll check their friends blogs so I can find out what interesting things other people, who I don't even know, are doing. That should fill my time until it's time to leave for school. I might try and squeeze that shower in there though...
I Am What I Create
In October, Elder Uchtdorf gave a wonderful talk in Women's conference titled Happiness, Your Heritage that you can find here if you didn't hear it. It is a wonderful talk and I urge you to read it. The whole talk was awesome, but the one thing that stuck with me was when he talked about creating things. He talked about our inherent need and ability as humans to create things.
The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul. No matter our talents, education, backgrounds, or abilities, we each have an inherent wish to create something that did not exist before.
Everyone can create. You don’t need money, position, or influence in order to create something of substance or beauty.
He then went on to talk about how some might say to themselves that they aren't good at doing anything, they aren't crafty, good at cooking, etc etc. but it simply isn't true. Everyone can create something. Everything we are doing as a mother is an act of creating. Having children in and of itself is creation. So, I have taken this to heart. I try to look at my daily tasks as tasks of creation rather than tasks of mundane routine. It really has made an impact on me and how I see the things I'm doing each day.
I created (with some help of course) three human beings. Three beautiful, amazing people and their very lives depend on me each day. I am responsible for what they eat, what they do, where they go, and what they learn each day. Although they have their free agency and decide how they feel and what actions they are going to take - I am the one teaching them either by my words or my actions how to act and live in this world. I am helping them fulfill the measure of their creation. Wow. That is a big but wonderful responsibility. One that I can either rejoice in and accept as an honor to fulfill each day, or one that I can wring my hands at and wonder what in the world was I thinking. (I have had both kinds of days and sure there will be many more of each).
I love creating things with my hands - scrapbooking, sewing(although I'm no good at it), paper crafts, baking, decorating, gardening... but this past year with the addition of a third child it has thrown off my ability to balance things I want to do with things I need to do to keep my family running and happy. After Elder Uchtdorf's talk I realized 2 things: First, the things I do for my family each day are acts of creation and there is so much more I can do with them to fulfill both my needs and theirs if I look for those opportunities. I've tried more to involve them in all the little projects I have going on around the house (even though it ends up taking twice as long sometimes) and I try to make the things I do each day - cook dinner, keep up the house etc. be more of an act of creation and love instead of something I just have to do. And second, I do need to make time to pursue my interests in creating as well so that I can be a happier mama. Emma and Jacob have been looking at their baby scrapbooks lately and asking where Ben's is...guilt, guilt, guilt.
So, I am trying in each task I do to look at it as a creation. I don't just make dinner, I create a pallet of flavor and aroma for my family to consume each night. I don't just clean the house, I create a healthy, clean atmosphere to raise my three cherubs in (ha ha). But you get my drift. So, here are a few things I have created lately in my new found world of creativism:
I created these yummy Halloween Cupcakes for Emma's bake sale at school.
I created these fun bunk beds for Jacob and one day for Ben. They used to be Dave's and they were this super ugly brown wood color from the 70's. I spent weeks sanding them, priming them and painting them a deep blue to match their dresser. Then I found these cutest airplane bedspreads online that both Jacob and I love.
Anyway, over the next few months I'll post other things I create...
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Inside my head
Monday, December 1, 2008
Many Thanks
The road trip wasn't too bad. Here are a few of the most popular phrases of the trip:
Emma: "Are we there yet?"
Jacob: "I see a train!" (lots of trains on that drive)
Jenny: "Um Honey, do you think you could not check your email while your driving next to the semi...in the rain. Thanks."
Dave: "I just love this new Guns and Roses album. It's so unlike anything they've done before. Listen to this song. Oh, and you have to hear this song...It's just like, so cool. I just love this new Guns and Roses album." (Jenny: snore, snore.)
Anyway, I know it's after Thanksgiving by I've been thinking of the many things I'm thankful for. Here are just a few:
My wonderful family, of course - children, husband extended family - somehow I lucked out.
Awesome, wonderful friends that I couldn't live without.
My hard working husband that provides me with the income to have fun fixing up my yard.
Warm flannel sheets.
A house I love coming home to after a vacation.
Sales and bargains. Seriously, I've gotten some good ones lately. Like 15 free bags of rubber mulch from the guy at home depot because he didn't want to load them back on the pallet.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
I heart Craiglist
Monday, November 24, 2008
Favorite Things
Five of My Favorite Things...
5 TV Shows I Love to Watch:
The Office
Grey's Anatomy
That's it people, I can't even come up with 5 favorites, because I only watch 3
5Favorite Restaurants:
Melting Pot
El Paso
5 Things That Happened Yesterday
Taught Nick's primary class at church
Missed our friend's baby blessing
Didn't miss the celebration dinner
Took a nap
Watched last week's episode of The Office
5 Things I Love About Fall:
Taking the kids to the park without sweating
Cox Farms
School starts!
Taking the kids on hikes while the leaves are changing
5Things On My Wishlist:
A new wardrobe
Abs of steel
Children who listen and obey
An organized garage where both cars can park
House at Lake Anna
5People I Tag:
Julie M or U :)
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Anyway, when I was in high school I worked at an insurance office and my boss was one of those crazy, super energetic people who was all into the motivational speaking scene that swept through the 90's. His favorite "guru" was Anthony Robbins the fire walking, motivational "unleash the power within" infomercial star of the 90's. Every Friday we'd have a staff meeting and we'd be subjected to listening to more Anthony Robbins spouted off so we could "unleash the power within" to sell more life insurance. (The only redeeming factor of the meetings were the muffins and juice).
Even though the Anthony Robbins routine was infinitesimally obnoxious, I did learn one word that stuck with me throughout the years - Paradigm Shift. My simple mind digested it as this - taking your way of thinking and changing it to make yourself better. Now shouldn't I be the guru.
I've often thought of this throughout my life. When I was young I thought grownups never changed. I guess I just thought you got to a certain age when you were "grown up" and that's who you were. When you are young you don't realize that "grown ups" have feelings, desires, and don't really feel "grown up" at all but feel just like you do. We are constantly changing, constantly readjusting who we are, what we are doing in life, and as I like to call it - reinventing ourselves (see, I could totally be a guru).
That is one thing I have enjoyed about moving SO MANY TIMES in the last 12 years. Each time I move I kind of take an inventory of my life, what I like and don't like, and readjusting myself for the next place. Sometimes it's nice having a fresh start where nobody know you. I always try to be a better me and maybe improve in some areas where I want to be better. Does that make sense?
This was a long introduction to what I wanted to really talk about which is this: Sometimes I think we get stuck in a rut and label ourselves as a certain way. Since I've become a mother I have had more challenges, difficulties, and frustrations than ever before in my life. Some things about being a parent are just down right hard. (but the rewards are amazing aren't they!). I think it's easy to give up and say "well, that's just how I am" for example - yelling at your kids...maybe that's how you grew up, maybe you have a short fuse, there could be lots of different reasons for it. But, it doesn't have to be that way. We have the power within us to change things we don't like. That's a God given right we have. We are creators, inventors, individual wonders created by a God who wants us to be better and has given us the tools to do so.
Recently two people have made a big impact on my life or I guess you could say my thoughts of motherhood. First is Stephanie Nielsen. If you haven't read the NieNie Dialogues or C Jane Blogs (links in our sidebar) I now encourage you to do so. What an amazing woman, an amazing family, and an amazing story. I know they have touched many people's lives besides mine - and mostly moms - for good. Stephanie paints a picture of Motherhood as it should be - wonderful, supreme, and the most important job in the world. Since I have found her blog I have literally devoured it, reading everything I can about her thoughts and actions on motherhood and she has made me want to be a better mother, wife, and person.
She is currently undergoing an immense life altering situation after she and her husband survived a plane crash. Her sister has been blogging about the whole situation and they have gotten National Press Coverage because of the huge support they've received from the blogging world. It is amazing how the actions of one person can touch the lives of so many.
On thing Stephanie has taught me is how to enjoy each day with my kids. Get out of the rut and realize how much fun it can be to be surrounded by my little ones each day. They should be my best friends right now and I should be theirs. They are precious and sometimes in the midst of tantrums and poopy diapers that can be forgotten. I'm sure Stephanie has her moments too but she chooses not to dwell on that. She chooses to see her children for the beautiful creations they are and I want to be more like that. I'm not anything like Stephanie, nor should I be. We are two completely different people but, she has some wonderful qualities as a daughter of God that have taught me and made me want to be a better person. Making me "shift" my paradigm from thinking one way to thinking another way and I love to be around people (especially moms) like her - even if its through the cyberworld.
The second person who made me do some deep thinking was Elder Uchtdorf in the talk he gave at women's conference this year titled Happiness, Your Heritage. Since I've practically written a book here I'll make that Pardigms Part II on another day but in the meantime, read his talk if you have heard or read it yet and then you'll know what I"m talking about next time....to be continued.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
All in a day's work
I also had the opportunity to unclog a toilet, scrub a set of poopy underwear, stop a bleeding nose, and run someone's eyes under water for 10 minutes after they sprayed air freshner in their own face. I am talented enough to drive all the way home from preschool on the highway with one hand on the wheel and the other holding a set of hands in my hand (sorry carpool moms!) since someone couldn't keep their hands to themselves. I am smart enough to not wallow in self-pity when a preschool teacher asked me if I am expecting (seriously? I don't exactly have abs of steel but 1) I don't look pregnant and 2) YOU NEVER ASK!). And now for the nightlife: putting eleven loads of laundry away and mopping my floors if I have any energy left. Somehow, I still love my life. Really. I mean, look at who I get to hang out with all day. He is CUUUUTE.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Weekend Warriors
So the title really should be week-long warriors because it took us all week to do this and not just the weekend. I'm so happy to have grass! We didn't think we'd be doing any grass until next year but Dave's parents got us started by donating some of the sod they had removed from their yard to put in artificial turf. I had planned on just laying that to have a little grass in the yard but my dad happened to be here the week we got the little patch of sod and well, one thing turned to another and now we have a sprinkler system and full lawn in the backyard! Whoo - hoo! Thanks dad! For the whole photo breakdown go to my Facebook page.
The almost finished project. Still a little rough around the edges because of the work we did on the sprinkler system...that will be my project this week!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
First Birthday Celebration
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Family Photo Shoot
