Thursday, December 11, 2008

Why You Should Never Leave Your Husband

...Home alone with the Christmas Tree. Because when you leave it will look like this:

And when you return it may look like this:

Did you notice besides the lights and ornaments are missing that the bottom half of the tree is missing! Apparently said tree toppled over so said husband thought maybe it was too bottom heavy. Some pruning shears and 50 branches later - my tree is half naked. I guess it's my fault for pining over (yes pun intended) such a beautiful tree.

Picking a tree off the back of a flat bed truck at Costco isn't exactly the same experience as going out to the woods and cutting one down as we always did as a kid. But who could pass up 33 dollars for a 7 ft Noble fir. We didn't even actually see the tree until we got it home and untied the ropes - and boy was it a beauty. This is the prettiest Noble Fir tree I had ever seen. It was perfectly symmetrical on all sides, no holes in it, and a nice strait top for the star. Even said husband whom I affectionately deem scrooge at Christmas time ooed and awed over such a beautiful tree. And when we got the lights on it, it was spectacular. I always let the kids put the ornaments wherever they want and have given up on having a perfect looking tree. It's more important to me to see the kids enjoying the tree and having their favorite ornaments where they want to put them. But this year, even with the ornaments all scitter was a beautiful tree.

Now the lights are back on and the ornaments are placed where they were (75% of them on the front and grouped together) and it looks a little better. But I'm going to miss that big bushy bottom portion of my tree. sniff sniff
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Andrea said...

next year tell him to just anchor it to the wall with wire :)

Sheri said...

too funny..

Alyson said...

Ooohh, that was a beautiful tree...made even more so by the price. Tell Dave that the space vacated by the bottom branches should now be filled with gifts for you! That seems like a fair solution!

Jenny said...

Andrea - He did want to tie it from the top off two sides to the walls with string. I told him no way and I'll take full responsibility if it falls again.

Andrea said...

my parents used to get these massive live trees and my dad would totally wire it to the wall and it was very sturdy - but i'll admit, it takes some serious commitment to put holes in the wall for christmas tree supports!

Anonymous said...

You may need a bigger stand since it is(was) a bigger tree than usual. Gotta watch Dave with those garden tools....:)...and just a bout every other man. I remember when I looked out my back window to see some trees being annialated(sp)
Extra gifts was my first thought too. LOL

Grandma H

Anonymous said...

Thank you for making me laugh out loud! I seriously almost teared up at this because it is a combination of my annual family Christmas memories and my favorite parts of Christmas Vacation where the tree ends up in flames.

Nothing makes my holiday more than the annual tree debacle!


Anonymous said...

Had to show the ladies at the office for a good morning laugh. Actually looks like the stand is big enough....

Grandma H

Michael Howton said...

I love my big sister. She is so funny.
