I love having a husband who will come home and watch the kids so I can go to the dentist - even when he's super busy at work. Even with Dave's crazy work schedule this time of year he's always makes a concerted effort to make sure I still have somewhat of a life even when he's not around. (Tax season stinks when you're an accountant). Not that going to the dentist is considered "having a life" but it's so nice being able to go to an
appt without dragging kids along. Not that I'd take kids to my dentist
appt. I just wouldn't go. It would be a great excuse to not have to go. BTW, have I ever mentioned how much I hate going to the dentist? I really, really dislike it. I just went for a cleaning yesterday and today my teeth feel wonderful! But I always get a pit in the bottom of my stomach when I'm driving there. I usually try to get out of it if I can. I have a little canker sore in my mouth so I called them yesterday morning to see if maybe I should reschedule. Unfortunately they didn't think it was any big deal and would "work around it".
Drats...I thought I'd get out of it. They did give me a nice little patch that goes over the sore, and its tons better so I guess I can be thankful for that. I still remember in High School when my mom came to pick me up at a friends house to go to the dentist. I hid out in her bedroom and made her tell my mom I wasn't there! My mom drove away super mad and now that I'm a mom and have to drag kids around I feel totally bad about that! Sorry mom.
Benjamin...oh Benjamin. *sigh, sigh*. I've
alway considered myself lucky that I didn't have kids that got into everything like some kids do... or draw on the walls... or play in the
toliet...or smoother themselves with makeup and lotion. I was just considering myself lucky a little too early because along came Ben. He gets into everything! Proof:

When he's not getting into makeup and stuff he's playing with the
toilet brush, or playing in the trash can, or finding Emma's markers and drawing on furniture. I've never had safety locks on my cabinets but I'm seriously considering it. Right now I just keep the bathroom door locked all day and make the kids use the guest bathroom that has nothing in it.
Unfortunately, my bathroom has french doors with no lock (I know...
weird, but I didn't put them in) so it's a little harder keeping him out of there.
The other morning while laying bed, Jacob told me he could only snuggle with me until he was 10 because then he would be an adult and couldn't snuggle with me anymore. I was sad about this until later that day he told me when he was 10 he would also have to move out (you know...since he would be an adult and all) but not to worry
because he was building his house right next door. Or just buying one of the neighbors when they moved out. I was still sad about the snuggling part but happy he would be right next door.
I signed Jacob up for preschool starting on Tuesday and we are both very happy about it. He is a great kid but has been a little bored lately.
Boredom in children only equates to one thing:
Boredom = Naughty. It's just two days a week and he is so excited about it I kind of feel bad for not doing it sooner.
Emma has really been enjoying Kindergarten. She got an award last week for her reading skills. It's so fun to sit for reading time at night and she can actually read pages of the book. I love it. I've always loved reading and wanted to instill a love for reading to my kids. I started by taking them to the library when they were younger, but I've stopped that habit since the late fees I've accrued could buy us enough books to furnish our own library. I buy lots of books at garage sales and always support the book fairs at school so we have quite a good collection. Emma thinks she needs to hoard them all in her bedroom and stacks them so high they topple over. I've convinced her that our "library" in the toy area is like a real library and she can check out a certain number of books to keep in her room. If she wants to take more to her room she has to return the ones she already has to check out different ones. It's worked pretty good.
Does anyone have any good ideas to keep wood floors shiny? My goodness they are hard to keep clean. Especially around the dinner table. Annie - you used to have this problem. What did you use?