Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Just a little moisture

Ever since Nick started school, I am seeing more and more of myself in him, including those Type A, classic oldest child traits. As for sharing interests with his mom, he LOVES the bus patrols! Julie U will get a big kick out of this, his favorite game is playing bus patrol, so tell Jim I already have him signed up for patrol camp :) For those of you who don't know, one of my life's greatest achievements was being the Patrol Captain in sixth grade - hahahahaha I'm kidding of course, about it being my greatest achievement. But patrol camp was so much fun and most importantly, the place where I met Jim, my freshman year homecoming date and future husband of BFF/notebook sharing friend Jule the Mule.

If you go back even further in my childhood, say, age 4 or 5, I had the unfortunate experience of wetting my pants during Parent Observation day at Miss Libby's ballet class. It was just a little puddle, and I remember whole-heartedly believing that the parents bought my story as I loudly whispered "Look, Mom, it's just dirt!", trying to pass off my wet tights as dirty. I really must have thought I was smart, because I also remember telling my grandma that my wet bed was just really sweaty one time too. But enough with my own embarrassing moments, they both just came to mind this morning as Nick crawled into bed with me, explaining that he just had "a little moisture" in his underwear so he took them off. Well, of course there was "a little moisture" on his PJs and his bed to boot, but he insisted he hadn't wet the bed and just kept repeating that everything was "a little moist". I can't stop laughing about it, both the story and the use of vocab crack me up.

I'm not ready to officially announce since it's only been three days, but so far the potty-training gods have smiled upon Ryan. I'm hoping I fulfilled their poop-cleaning quotas with Nick, but time will tell!


Shae said...

That is too funny!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Ryan!

alonsa said...

Way to go Ryan. Hope it continues to go well!

Anonymous said...

Oh this is so classic, An the Man! "I said, Patrol Patrol - oh yeah - keep my students safe - uuhh!" Did I tell you Avery went to patrol camp this year? He sang the song to us over the phone. His uncle was very proud.

Shellie said...

Nick is hilarious and has grown up SO much!