Thursday, March 19, 2009

Guest Post?

Hey, does anyone remember me? Jenny, am I still allowed to blog here? I have tons of catching up to do, but I just wanted to remember how I felt tonight as I rocked my "baby" to sleep tonight and instead of rushing down to check something off my dumb "to-do" list, I didn't want to put him down. Because if I put him down, then time would keep moving and my kids are going to get older and I don't know if I can handle it. As exasperating as little children can be (and bonus points for the more spirited variety I seem to produce), I don't want these guys to grow up! I absolutely love each of them so much right in the stage they are at:

Nicholas is 5 - I love that he is independent and smart, but he still seeks my approval and loves to jump in bed with me and cuddle in the morning. I love to listen to him read and see his intricate lego creations and the imaginative play that goes with them. He is self-sufficient in so many things, but he still holds my hand on the way home from the bus stop!

Ryan is 3 and I honestly don't know if there is a cuter face on the planet. He is quick to toss out a "sorry Mom!" following any mess or wrong-doing and how can I not forgive those beautiful blue eyes. He is curious and adventure-seeking, always yelling an enthusiastic "whoo-hoo" when he is excited about something. He is a lover, always hugging and kissing, and he has his father's gift for sharing with others without hesitation.

Gavin is 16 months and relishes the role of "baby" in our house. He does not like to share Mom with his brothers, and I have done everything I can to cherish each phase with him as my last baby. His vocabulary is just starting to develop, but his comprehension and actions amaze me every day. He is always smiling, laughing, and loves to be a part of the big kids' world. He is an expert self-entertainer and is really starting to enjoy reading books.

I kind of hate reading blogs where people just talk about how great and perfect their kids are. I think I've done a pretty good job of documenting the realities and challenges of motherhood for me personally. I'm not anywhere close to perfect. And neither are my kids. Not only is it entertaining to go back and read about their antics, but I like to remember that while it can be difficult, being a mom has also brought me pure joy.


Jenny said...

Woo-hoo! I've been waiting for you to come back. I've missed you. You've carried the blog many times for me in absence :)
This morning while snuggling in bed with Jacob I was thinking "when he's 16 it probably just wouldn't be right to snuggle in bed like this... and it made me sad :( that one day he will be too big to snuggle in bed with me. So I hear where you're coming from! I love your recap.

Rob and Jewls said...

I love this post! It does leave me a little sad at the thought of my kids growing up too! You do have an amazing little bunch of boys!

Megan Shady said...

Great post - I love reading your posts. You made me want to just sit and hug my kids all day. :)

Shae said...

fun post annie...we love your kids a lot and can't wait to see them.